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Glasgow Accountants

not only do we deal with large businesses, but we are also the most trusted

accountants for small companies

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Welcome to Countify, Chartered Accountants in Glasgow city. We provide a full range of self assessment accountancy and taxation services. Our services are adaptable to the needs of any business, from sole traders to limited companies.

Trusted Glasgow Accountants for small companies


Our Story

the Glasgow-based cloud accountancy firm

As a leading Glasgow accountants firm, Countify has embarked on a transformative journey, transitioning from its former identity as SK&Co. Our unwavering commitment lies in delivering cost-effective accounting solutions tailored to the unique needs of small businesses and start-ups.

With a focus on staying at the forefront of industry trends and leveraging cutting-edge technologies, we strive to be the premier choice for accountants for small companies in Glasgow. Countify continues to evolve and adapt, ensuring that our services remain both effective and impactful, enabling clients to effortlessly achieve their financial goals.



Countify are an established Glasgow based trusted accountant who provide a range of accounting services to help our clients reach their goals.

Central Glasgow Accountants

We are a trusted Glasgow based accountancy firm. Who seek to be an integral part of the clients business using the highest ethical and professional standards within the industry.

Full Range of Services Including

Sole Trader / Partnership Accounts, Self Assessment Tax returns, Limited company accounts and tax returns, Company Secretarial Services, Tax compliance and Tax Planning, Payroll and much more.

Partners and Staff who are Accessible

Friendly , knowledgeable, experienced and qualified employees who work closely with clients and industry partners.

Business services

Accounting & Bookkeeping

Efficiently manage your financial records. Our Accounting and Bookkeeping Service provides expert assistance for individuals and businesses. Stay organised, track expenses, and make informed decisions with our reliable and accurate financial solutions.

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Self-Assessment Tax

Glasgow accountants with expertise in handling Self-Assessment for small businesses can help you understand the complexities and ensure you meet all filing deadlines to avoid penalties. Continuous changes to tax legislation make understanding and completing Self-Assessment Tax returns a challenge for many individuals.

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Company Formation

Constantly changing Companies Act means it is difficult to stay up to date with regulatory requirements and comply with the companies act. It could be time consuming and very complicated task.

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Claim R&D Tax Credits

Unlock the potential of R&D tax incentives. Our R&D Tax Advice Service offers expert guidance to maximise your tax benefits. Navigate the complexities of R&D tax credits with our specialised knowledge.

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Tax Compliance

Stay compliant with ease. Our Tax Compliance Service ensures accurate tax filing, reporting, and documentation for individuals and businesses. Avoid penalties and legal issues with our expert guidance and comprehensive support.

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Tax Advisory

Maximise tax benefits, ensure compliance, and navigate complex tax laws with our expert Tax Advisory Service Custom strategies, proactive updates, and support for individuals and businesses.

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Doing the successful thing,
at the right time.


why choose our services


Providing private business owners with a strategy for sustained profit growth.


Clearing transactions at speed, to allow businesses to see financial performance in real time.


Keeping private businesses safe by ensuring compliance in accounting and tax.


Stress-free payroll. We ensure accurate payments for private businesses & on-time deposits for employees.

Our Accounting Service provides expert assistance for individuals & small companies.

Stay organized & track expenses, make informed decisions with our reliable financial solutions.

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Business Process Flow


Consultation and Assessment

  • Initial consultation to understand client needs and objectives.
  • Assessment of current financial situation and goals.
  • Discussion of available services and tailored solutions.


Implementation and Execution

  • Implementation of agreed-upon strategies and solutions.
  • Execution of accounting, tax, and financial management tasks.
  • Regular monitoring and adjustments to ensure alignment with client objectives.


Review and Reporting

  • Ongoing review of financial performance and compliance.
  • Preparation of detailed reports and analysis.
  • Regular communication with clients to discuss progress and address any concerns.

Building enduring value through bold strategies


Projects Completed


Years Experience


Satisfied customers

Schedule a free business consultation


3rd Floor, St. Georges Building, 5 St. Vincent Place, Glasgow, G1 2DH


0141 275 4860

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